7 Answers to The Most Asked Questions about Scorpions in Henderson, NV


The climate around much of Nevada can make it an inhospitable place for many animals, people included. Unfortunately, that just makes the environment within your home even more appealing, creating the potential for pest infestations.

While scorpions are somewhat an exception due to their natural ability to survive and thrive in the Henderson area climate, that doesn’t change the fact that your home provides plenty of food, water, and shelter. Due to their painful stings, this can make them a real threat to your home and pets.

With your safety in mind, here are seven of the most common questions homeowners ask about scorpions, as well as the answers you need to know in order to protect yourself and your family.

1. What Scorpion Species Live In Henderson?

Henderson is home to a few different types of scorpions, but there are three that are the most common: the bark scorpion, the desert hairy scorpion, and the brown scorpion. Of these three, the desert hairy scorpion and the brown scorpion are the least threatening, while the bark scorpion has the most potent venom and should be avoided at all costs.

2. How Dangerous Are Scorpions?

In Henderson, the only scorpion that poses any real threat to your health is the bark scorpion. Fortunately, these scorpions are not aggressive and will only sting when they feel threatened. Unfortunately, due to their small size and tendency to hide in unsuspecting places (such as inside shoes), you could accidentally step on one and threaten it completely by accident.

A sting from one of these pests can produce tenderness and numbness around the site, tingling, warmth, and swelling. While rarely life-threatening, bark scorpion stings can be extremely painful, especially for pets or small children.

3. Where Do Scorpions Live?

Scorpions prefer locations that are dark, damp, and cool. In the outdoors, it is common to find scorpions under rocks, shrubbery, beneath rubble, or inside any other sheltered place. Inside, it is common to find them in basements, around closets, and beneath sinks. These areas provide the moisture they need to survive, as well as other insects they can feed off of.

4. What Does A Scorpion Sting Look Like?

You will know if you’ve been stung by a scorpion but if there is any question, a scorpion sting can result in redness and slight swelling around the sting sight. Seek medical attention immediately if you’ve been stung by a scorpion.

5. What Do Scorpions Eat?

Most scorpions hunt and eat other insects. Some scorpions will eat small lizards and even small mammals, such as mice. Naturally, this means that one of the best ways to help ensure scorpions stay off your property is to eliminate all other pest infestations they could feed off of.

And although they hunt regularly, they can go months without food but only a few days without water. So the other key method of preventing scorpions on your property is to fix any moisture issues that might be present.

6. What Causes A Scorpion To Sting?

More than anything, scorpions hate to be disturbed. They are not generally aggressive towards humans, but if at any point a scorpion feels threatened, they will ready themselves to attack. If you ever find a scorpion inside your home, avoid agitating it as this can be dangerous. Unfortunately, as stated above, it is possible (and even likely) to aggravate a scorpion by accident, making preventing them from getting inside in the first place a priority.

7. What Is The Safest Way To Handle Scorpions In Your Home?

You can use every DIY method to prevent scorpion infestations, but at the end of the day, the best way to handle scorpions is by calling in the professionals. If you are dealing with scorpions, or any other Nevada pests, contact the professionals at Anver Pest Control. Our scorpion extermination services will help keep your property scorpion and pest-free!