Effective Scorpion Control: Proven Strategies For Elimination And Prevention In Henderson


When scorpions are out and about, pest control in Henderson is serious business. It’s uncomfortable seeing a lone scorpion or a whole group of scorpions somewhere in your home or around your property. Scorpions are well-designed for surviving and defending themselves, and they don’t like to be confronted by humans. The following overview of scorpion control will educate you on common types of scorpions, the reality of scorpion stings, and how you can take steps to keep them away from your home for good. 

Common Types Of Scorpions: Identification And Characteristics

Here are some of the most common types of scorpions in the United States you’re likely to find.

Stripe-tailed scorpions are a term that represents a broad category, and it also includes certain scorpions that do not exhibit stripes on their tails. But an easy way to identify one of these pests is by their size. These are very small scorpions, usually around 1½ inches long, making it easy for them to sneak into someone’s home. Fortunately, these are not especially dangerous scorpions.

Hairy scorpions have small hairs across different parts of their bodies, but they aren’t as hairy as, say a tarantula. These scorpions can be much paler in color, and they can be quite large as well up to 5½ inches.

Bark scorpions are one of the most common scorpions in the U.S.. They are typically three to five inches long, dark in color, and have an oval-shaped body that tapers at both ends. Bark scorpions also have relatively dangerous venom, so a sting from one of these is a serious matter. 

Scorpion Stings: Symptoms And Treatments

Different kinds of scorpions present different levels of risk. Some of the less serious symptoms of a scorpion sting include pain, swelling, and a tingling sensation near the sting. While not every person will experience serious symptoms or complications as the result of a scorpion sting, certain individuals will experience a more serious reaction. The more serious symptoms of a sting include trouble breathing, drooling, sweating, nausea, an accelerated heart rate, and twitching. Treatment for a scorpion sting depends on the patient. If there are no serious symptoms, then a sting can be treated with over-the-counter pain medications and an ice pack to reduce the swelling. However, if there are more serious symptoms present, then the patient should be taken to medical professionals for treatment. 

Expert Scorpion Control: The Smart Way To Get Rid Of An Infestation

It’s not fun to confront a scorpion in the home, especially when it feels threatened. If you have young children or pets in the house, these confrontations can become dangerous, as the scorpion might run and find a new hiding place. Seeking the help of expert scorpion control is the smart way to get rid of scorpions. Anver Pest Control has a team of experienced professionals who have dealt with scorpions before. We can make sure that scorpions are safely removed so that you can get back your peace of mind. 

Scorpion Prevention: Proven Effective Tips

To keep the scorpions away from your home, try to follow these prevention tips regularly: 

  • Eliminate scorpion access to your home. Repair cracks around doors and windows. 
  • Check dark areas around your home at least once a month to look for scorpions. Many scorpions are nocturnal, so they prefer dark spaces during the day. 
  • Carefully maintain the area around your house, especially when it comes to debris and wood piles. These offer scorpions convenient hiding locations. 

When you work with us, we can also follow up after scorpion treatment to make sure the scorpions aren’t trying to return to your home. Give us a call today to ask for help with pesky and dangerous scorpions.